Food Pantry
16% of C-GCC’s students reported utilizing a food pantry in Fall 2022.
C-GCC has three types of pantries available:
- The Food Pantry is located in Suite 302, and is stocked with perishable and non-perishable food items and personal hygiene items.
- The Grab-and-Go station is located in the Student Court. Items may include breakfast bars, fruit cups, and more.
- The Pet Pantry is located in the Student Court, for those struggling to afford food and basic items for pet care. The Pet Pantry is operated and maintained by the Animal Advocates Club.
Pantry hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Donations to the pantries are welcomed and gladly accepted by the Student Life Committee in Suite 302. C-GCC can also arrange transportation to pick up donations locally.
Helpful links to connect you to local resources and benefits:
SUNY Food Insecurity Information
Columbia County Regional Food Bank
Greene County Regional Food Bank
Contact Information
Terrie King
Director of Student Engagement
Phone: 518-697-6317