
Tuition and Fees

The table below provides the tuition and fee schedule for the 2024 – 2025 academic year. All tuition and fee charges are due and payable by the deadline dates. Some students may opt for the College’s payment plan. Payment deferrals are not available except for financial aid awards and Veterans’ benefits, as outlined in the Compilation Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the State of New York.

Note: Columbia-Greene reserves the right to change the schedule of tuition and fees as necessary. The College also reserves the right to deny permission to register for a subsequent semester to any student with an outstanding bill.

Fall 2024 – Summer 2025

(pending approval by New York State and County Sponsors)

Tuition and FeesFull Time* (per semester)Part Time** (per credit hour)
New York State Resident$2,700$225
Student Activities Fee$132$12
Student Health Fee$12$1
Student Technology Fee$180$15

New York State residents must submit a Certificate of Residence for each academic year. Failure to submit a Certificate of Residence will result in being charged the nonresident tuition rate.

*Full Time: 12+ credit hours per semester
**Part Time:  1 – 11 credit hours per semester

Description of Fees

  • Course Fee: Applied to each course that requires a dedicated space (laboratory, physical education facility, studio and/or specialized equipment).
  • Technology Fee: Supports equipment and digital services such as internet access, software, Email, computer labs, wireless networks, virtual learning software/tools, and Library resources.
  • Student Activities Fee: Supports student activities, events, and non-academic programs delivered in person and/or virtually.
  • Health Fee: Supports supplies and programming for the Health Services Office including processing and electronically storing immunization records.

2024-2025 Payment Due Dates

SemesterDue Date
Fall 2024August 8, 2024
Spring 2025January 9, 2025
Summer I 2025May 8. 2025
Summer II 2025June 18, 2025